Local Led Adaptation

Welcome to the forefront of sustainable agriculture in Mehendiganj, where the challenges of frequent flooding have sparked innovation and hope. In recent years, the southern region of Bangladesh, particularly Mehendiganj, has faced increasingly devastating floods, jeopardizing traditional fish farming practices in local ponds. With floods occurring three to four times...

Teach the Teachers

Rationale:Recognizing the pivotal role of educators in shaping young minds, the "Teach the Teachers" initiative aims to empower teachers with the knowledge and tools to effectively educate students about climate change. Objective: To equip teachers with comprehensive understanding and effective methods for discussing climate change with students, fostering a generation...

Tree Plantation Drives

Rationale: Recognizing the critical role trees play in mitigating climate change, improving air quality, and promoting environmental sustainability. Objective: Significantly enhance the green cover across Bangladesh by organizing large-scale tree plantation drives. Mobilize and engage young people in environmental conservation efforts, fostering a sense of responsibility towards the environment. Activities:...

Plastic Market

Rationale: Instilling the importance of environmental responsibility and conservation in primary-level students through hands-on activities and incentives. Objective: Educate students about the significance of recycling and proper waste management practices. Encourage students to actively participate in conservation efforts and develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment. Activities: Plastic Collection:...

Eco-friendly Tourism

Rationale: The initiative aims to foster a culture of responsible travel and ecotourism, emphasizing the importance of minimizing environmental impact while enjoying natural attractions. Objectives: Educate travelers about the significance of responsible travel practices and the negative impacts of improper waste disposal. Encourage eco-friendly tourism practices that contribute to environmental...

Climate Strike

Rationale: Recognizing the urgent need for policymakers to take decisive action against climate change and advocating for immediate and impactful measures. Objective: Urge policymakers to implement policies and actions that address and mitigate the effects of climate change. Engage and empower the younger generation to take an active role in...

Cleanup Awareness and Campaign

Rationale: Recognizing that clean environments are essential for human health and well-being. Addressing littering as a significant contributor to ecosystem harm and a barrier to effective climate change mitigation. Objectives: Educate individuals and students about the importance of cleanups and the adverse effects of littering. Encourage the adoption of sustainable...

Climate Talk

Rationale: Open dialogue fosters a deeper understanding of climate change and facilitates the exchange of diverse perspectives, which is essential for comprehensive climate action. Objective: Encourage participants to engage in discussions about the root causes, extensive impacts, and potential solutions to climate change.Enable participants to share knowledge and experiences, thus...

Climate Change Workshop

Rationale: The workshop is premised on the recognition that young people play a critical role in addressing climate challenges. By empowering the youth, we harness their potential to become proactive agents of change. Objective: The primary objective is to equip young individuals with the essential understanding and tools to effectively...

Climate Change School Sessions

Rationale: Climate change is a multifaceted issue, and early education is essential for fostering understanding and action. This initiative targets young individuals who will play pivotal roles in shaping a sustainable future. Objectives: Educate students on the causes, consequences, and specific impacts of climate change on children and their communities...