Good & Bad Touch

Rationale:Addressing the urgent need to educate primary school children about body safety and empower them to identify and respond to safe and unsafe touches. Objective: Teach children the difference between safe and unsafe touches and the importance of personal boundaries. Equip children with the knowledge and confidence to protect themselves...

Project Aparijita

Rationale: Recognizing the critical need to enhance women's safety and empower them with the skills necessary to protect themselves in various situations. Objective: Provide comprehensive training sessions to young women, equipping them with essential self-defense techniques. Foster a safer environment by enabling women to effectively defend themselves and reduce the...

Menstrual Hygiene Awareness

Rationale: Addressing the critical need for mental and physical well-being education, sexual organ awareness, disease prevention, and menstrual hygiene for adolescents. Objective: Educate adolescent girls about menstrual health and hygiene practices to ensure their well-being. Equip students with essential knowledge on maintaining their overall health and preventing diseases. Ensure access...