Local Led Adaptation

Welcome to the forefront of sustainable agriculture in Mehendiganj, where the challenges of frequent flooding have sparked innovation and hope. In recent years, the southern region of Bangladesh, particularly Mehendiganj, has faced increasingly devastating floods, jeopardizing traditional fish farming practices in local ponds. With floods occurring three to four times annually, many ponds have remained unused out of fear of losing precious fish stocks.

Amidst these challenges, Lal Sabuj Society has imitate on a pioneering journey into agroecology, transforming adversity into opportunity. Starting modestly last year with a single pond, our experiments yielded promising results that have ignited a vision for larger-scale impact. Building on our initial success, this year marks a significant expansion as we implement agroecological practices in three community ponds across Mehendiganj.

Innovative Agroecological Practices

Central to our approach is the creation of floating structures using locally sourced materials such as unused drums and bamboo. These structures are ingeniously designed to secure fish cultivation nets, ensuring that even during floods, our fish remain protected and productive. Above the water’s surface, we cultivate a diverse array of vegetables, maximizing the use of space and resources. Adding to this harmonious ecosystem, ducks are integrated into the ponds, contributing to nutrient cycling and enhancing overall sustainability.

Community-Centered Impact

At Lal Sabuj Society, we believe in the power of community and collaboration. Our project engages local farmers, researchers, and residents in every step of the journey. Together, we are not only safeguarding livelihoods but also fostering resilience against climate impacts. Each pond represents a beacon of hope and a testament to the transformative potential of agroecology in mitigating environmental challenges.

Looking Forward

As we continue to monitor and analyze the impact of our agroecological practices, we are committed to sharing our learnings and successes with the broader community. Our journey is just beginning, and we invite you to join us as we pioneer sustainable agriculture solutions in Mehendiganj.

Explore our website to learn more about our ongoing projects, achievements, and how you can contribute to building a more resilient and sustainable future through agroecology.

Our Achievement

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Young people directly engaged
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Community beneficiaries
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