Sabuj Pathshala


Addressing the educational needs of underprivileged street children who lack access to formal education. Promoting human values, physical knowledge, and overall well-being of children.


Provide educational opportunities to underprivileged street children at various railway stations and launch terminals. Ensure the physical well-being of children by providing nutritious food. Foster human values and holistic development among the children.


Teaching Sessions:  Conduct regular educational sessions at railway stations and launch terminals, focusing on basic literacy, numeracy, and general knowledge.

Value Education:  Integrate lessons on human values, ethics, and social behavior to instill a sense of responsibility and empathy in the children.

Nutritious Meals:  Provide nutritious food to ensure the physical health and well-being of the children, enabling them to focus on their studies.

Recreational Activities:  Organize games, sports, and other recreational activities to promote physical development and social interaction.


Engaging 200 underprivileged children across five districts, providing them with essential education and life skills. Fostering human values and holistic development, preparing the children for a better future.

Our Achievement

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Young people directly engaged
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Community beneficiaries
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